
News from the road.

Summer Tour 2024!

Greetings to all from the road tour of summer 2024!  My traveling music ministry is lots more fun with my sweet wife Donna.  I’m a people person all right, but she takes it to another level.  She is now the…

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A Wonderful Summer

Hello, dear Christian friends!  Lots of news for you who are interested: 

The former Donna Lindsay and I were married on June 18th at our WELS church in Spokane with family and friends. We honeymooned for 10 days in beautiful…

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An Extra Special Church

I haven’t been performing much in the last couple of months, so I’ve had enough time to rehearse and play with a local WELS Christian band, Urgent!, and also the praise band at The Vine.

The Vine is the…

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Happy news!

Well, I've got news. I've parked the bus at an RV park in Spokane, Washington, and I'm transferring my church membership to St. Matthew Lutheran here. This is the first actual winter I've experienced for 20-some years. Why, you might…

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I moved!

Hello, friends!

The lady-who-runs-my-website (she REALLY doesn't swing with webmaster/webmistress designations) tells me it's high time to blog something. And I realized that I do indeed have news:  I've moved to the Northwest! This is kind of a return to…

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Warm and Dry

Hello from warm and dry Arizona! I have been parked at Holy Cross Lutheran in Tucson for the last 6 weeks, and I am grateful to these nice folks for their hospitality. I also really appreciate the opportunity to continue…

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Christmas Newsletter

Houston, we have a problem! Actually not really - this is a great place to get through December if you are a wandering piano player for Jesus.

Here in Texas I am playing Sundays only for worship and sometimes a…

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This small viewer of one of my live-streamed concerts was inspired to get out his guitar.  I guess that's a positive to the pandemic. You can bring your guitar to church- and play along!

Precious thank-yous!

Doesn't really get more precious than this!  Thank-yous from kids at the Mount Olive Overland Park school.


New keyboard and more

Hello from Mt Olive, Overland Park, Kansas!  I've been allowed to keep singing in our churches in spite of Covid-19, social distancing, and reduced attendance!  I just sang this morning for the elementary school here. (They are the Cougars.  Boy…

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Surfacing from lock-down

Wow, is it great to be singing for actual people in the pews again in our churches!  I've been playing for empty seats and a video camera for what seems like forever, as I was blessed to be able to…

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